Wednesday, November 24, 2010

this is the link from a online textbook that we learn from in humanities clases

My " Create an Island" Reflection

Reflection on Create an Island Project
During the end of October and the beginning of November my class and I started a new and existing project of which the topic was “Create an Island”. This project required to make an island of our own, also it required a map, flag, history, government, education, agriculture, and the location etc although it was a lot of work I really enjoyed the hole process, especially the history part. I think that my presentation was very well prepared. The funny thing was that I was eager to do my presentation but I had to wait two weeks because we ran out of time every class. I also enjoyed other student’s presentations as well and I learned new things which I could use next time. All in all it was a very interesting project.
Hello my name is Lika Ilic, this is my school humanities blog i have lot of work here and hope you learn something from it.