Monday, May 30, 2011

The Myas

The Mayas
The Mayas culture was established in 2000 BC
The first Mayas ruler was Montezuma the I
The Mayan culture ended in 1680 AD
The main Mayan god was the god of sun which was called Kukulcan

Mayas got 2 calenders which ends in 2012
The most famous Mayan building is called “ The Sun Pyramid”

Serbian Culture

Serbian Culture
Serbia has a big culture and many traditions which reflect much to the historical backround. Serbia is broken into 3 parts : Sumadija, Vojvodina(Banat,Backa,Srem) , and Kosovo and Metohije. My culture in my family comes from south west Sumadija which is called Zlatiborski Okrug, or Ivanjicki okrug. From that place my muternall grandfather is from, he is from Lisa Ivanjica, zaseok Duboka Jaruga. In that place it differences a bit from central Sumadian culture called ( Moravski still)

Ancient Tribes of South America

Fact 1. The Incas lived in Andes Mountains in South America in today’s Peru, Ecuador and parts of Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, and Argentina
Facts 2. The Incas’ Kingdom lasted from 1200-1500 AD
Facts 3. The Incas called their ruler Sapa Inca and they considered him to be the child of the Sun. Ordinary people were not allowed to touch the king or even to look at his face. The king was also a military leader.
Fact 4. The most famous Inca’s city was Machu Picchu, or at least it the most famous today because it stayed well preserved as it was situated on a high mountain top thus survived Spanish invasion, which ended the Inca Kingdom.
Fact 5. Incas didn’t have written language; instead they used knotted strings for communication. They were also very advanced in area of medicine, they even performed skull surgery.
Olmec Tribes
Fact 1. The first signs of civilization in Central America were the Olmecs an ancient Pre-Columbian civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico,
Fact 2. The Olmec domain extended from the Tuxtlas mountains in the west to the lowlands of the Chontalpa in the east,
Fact 3. Olmec art forms emphasize both monumental statuary and small jade carvings and jewelry. Much Olmec art is highly stylized and uses an iconography reflective of the religious meaning of the artworks
Fact 4.

1. Totecs were the people and the cuture that existed in today’s Mexico between 950-1200 AD

2. They were a war-like people and expanded rapidly throughout Mexico, Guatemala, and the Yucatán peninsula. At the top of their society was a warrior aristocracy

3. The Toltecs believed in cult of Quetzalcoatl, the "Soveriegn Plumed Serpent," and created a mythology around it. In Toltec legend, Quetzalcoatl was the creator of humanity and a warrior-god

4. The Toltecs also creted the Central American ball-game, which was played on a large stone court with a rubber ball. The game was primarily a religious ritual and involved the human sacrifice of the loser.

5. The Toltecs conquered large areas controlled by the Maya and settled in these areas; they migrated as far south as the Yucatán peninsula. The culture borne out of this fusion is called the oltecT-Maya, and its greatest center was Chichén Itzá— on the very tip of the Yucatan peninsula.


1. The word itself came from the Latin verb imperare (to command)
2. Imperialism has been found in the histories of Japan, the Assyrian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Roman Empire, Greece, the Persian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, ancient Egypt, and India
3. Imperialism is a kind of rule over a distant territory from a dominating center.
4. The Age of Imperialism was a time period beginning around 1870 when modern, relatively developed nations were taking over less developed areas, colonizing them, or influencing them in order to expand their own power.
5. The biggest overseas empire was United Kingdom.

Spreading Culture

Human Systems What are some ways in which culture traits spread?
Cultural traits spread in many ways.
For example: If one country has been conquered by another, and if conquer stay long enough, the conquered country usually adopts some of conqueror’s cultural traits, like it happened in Serbia under the Turks. The other way to spread cultural traits is by migrations. Whenever people migrate they bring with them parts of their culture and establish their ways of life in their new country. Also cultural traits can be spread through communication, science, and technology. For example English language has never been so wildly spread as today, when internet has been accepted through the world. In the past, culture could only be spread by certain kind of migration but today cultural traits are mostly spread by communication and technology. Although we still stick to our specific cultural traits, the world has become “Global Village” with mixed global culture.