Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who is Who among Early Homininds

Millions of years ago before humanity evolved there were no humans but hominids which have evolved to today's us. Fossils of the early hominids have been discovered all around the world. The main theory is that the early hominids were related to the African apes which have evolved to hominids to humans. From time to time there have occurred new species of hominids. As far as we know there have been 12 species of early hominids. The first hominid skull was between 6 and 7 million years old who was the Sahelanthropus tchadensis which its fossils have been found in Chad in the north-central Africa. After came Orrin Tugenensis witch's fossils have been found in Kenya, Orrin is the oldest definitive hominid it dates from 5.8 million years ago. Afterwards comes Ardipithecus which means the ground ape, this hominid dates back from 4.4 million years ago, its fossils have been found in Ethiopia 1994, this hominid is very significant by its forehead because it is very flat. After comes the Kenyaplthecus platops which its fossils have been found in lake Turkana in Kenya. Its fossils date from 3.5 million years ago. Australopithecus or in translation the southern ape marks a new phase in human evolution this hominid has been found in the central Africa it dates around 4 millions years ago. Then came the Paranthoropus or in translation similar to a man, this hominid dates 2.5 to 3 million years ago. After comes the new phase in evolution which the early hominids evolve t humans and in names has put in the word Homo which on Latin means a man. the first early ancestor to enter this phase was Homo erectus or in translation the upright man the fossils of homo erectus date back from 1.8 million years ago. Then comes Homo habilis or the handy man which was the first early ancestor to make tools out of rock and wood. After comes Homo rudolfensis which dates back from 1 million years ago and its fossils have been found in Kenya. After comes Homo georcus which its fossils date back from 1.8 million years ago. Then comes Homo Neanderthals which lived in Europe and central Asia from 250,000 to 30,000 years ago. The last comes Homo florenslensis which its fossils have been found in central Asia it dates back from 94,000 years ago. These were the branches of early hominids which have evolved to today's humanity.

Susman, Randall. "Who is Who Among Early Humans ." Oyssey Advantures in Science Oct. 2009: 22-25 .


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why Do We Study Hyman Origins?

Why do we Study Human Origins?
By Susman Randall
Calliope: Exploring World History

Many people around the world wonder how did humanity evolve, and from which origins?
Before the advanced science such as archeology and anthropology. People depended only on religious teachings as the only source of explanation of human origins. In every culture there were different myths and legends about human origins. The major breakthrough, which changed the traditional interpretations, happened when British scientist Charles Darwin, who worked in the mid-1800s, has suggested that humans had evolved from same ancestors as the apes had. This caused an outrage and scandal, the church was protesting, people were shocked, but Charles Darwin backed up his theory with his scientific research. He collected the numerous valuable data during his voyages around the world where he found out that animals adapted to their environment, so he did not give up and he called his theory the theory of evolution, although the creationists (those who claimed that God created earth and every living creature in six days) were strongly against his theory.
Today we know that Charles Darwin was right because a geologist Raymond Dart excavated the first hominid fossils in 1925. These fossils were a clear proof that we evolved from hominids. Later on many fossils have been found throughout the planet, which only adds more and more evidence to theory of evolution. There are still many different speculations about how our ancestors evolved, but scientist mainly think that hominids becoming bipedal was the key event in our evolution, and has probably happened because of the climate change in Africa around five million years ago. Before that our ancestors were probably tree dwellers similar to today’s apes. One of the proofs of evolution is that even today we share more than 95 percents of genes with pygmy chimpanzee.
Although many valuable fossils of hominids and early humans were found, scientist still hope to find many more, which will shed even more light on our past.
Susman, Randall. "Why We Study Human Origins." Calliope: Exploring World History Sept. 1999: 4-5. Print.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Three Theories About the Stonehenge

In Salzbar Plains, in Wales UK, stands one of the most popular monuments in the world which is the great Stonehenge. Stonehenge dates even before ancient Egypt, The big rocks in the Stonehenge are called the Sursans which weight about 45 tons. People until today don't know the right theory about the use of Stonehenge. There are lots and lots of theories but only three of them come to a purpose. The most popular theory is that Stonehenge was a Astronomical observatory used to to mark midsummer, but research shows that Stonehenge wasn't only visited over the summer it was also visited over the winter when the sun sets between the largest of the central arches. Another theory is that Stonehenge was used as a cemetery where important people were buried, generally Stonehenge was a place for the dead, while Wood-henge was a place for the living. Both of these monuments have channels which connect to the river Avon.And the third theory is that Stonehenge was a landing place for the UFO. I am quite sure that the third theory is false but who knows. Stone henge is also one of the biggest worlds mysteries.