Monday, September 9, 2013

The Effect of Predators on the Specie Evolution

The Effect of Predators on the Specie Evolution

Throuh out the History of planet earth there was a certian cycle of life and a foodchain that was followed from the formation of Flora and Fauna on Earth. however, certain mutations happened in the DNA of certain animals which in almost all cases, improved their life, either protecting their selves from predators or to adapt to the envirmont in which they are living. The DNA mutations triggered a big act in nature called the evolution. Predators have their prey, however, the prey in a certain time will get a mutation in its DNA which will cause a beneficial change in the organism of the prey. Predators affect its preys population bz decreasing it, which might be bad as well. Due to this, the prey's species will evolve and cause a change which will be new for the predator and more harder to hunt. For example there are these bugs that look identical as a leef. Why do you think this is like this. Well this is a proof of evolution. The color that the bug has a camouflage which evolved to look and match the enviroment. This results to helping the bug staying safe and not grasping any attention to the predator.
Adaptations mostly positevly affect the evolution of a specie. The species adapt to the enviroment in which they live in in order to survive certain circumstances in the chosen enviroment. Species that have not adapted to the enviroment mostly get extinct which we have many examples on planet Earth. As i have mentioned adaptations to the enviroment trough out the evolution are very important to the endagered species, especially when it comes to relations predator vs prey. The time for a specie to adapt to a certain enviroment where it lives, is un predictable. Generations and generations have to pass in order for a single change to be adopted with in the specie, which was formed by a DNA mutuation or change causing it to differ. Evolution and change with in our Enviroment is necessary, otherwise today we would be left with nothing. Everything is evolving and changing in order to stay in life, this was discovered by Charles Darwin in the second half of the 19th century, when science was not much considered unlike the church, which was holding great power. Thus, this science for this time was a misterous act, and the initiation of darwin who even tried exploring it, was considered as a sin which falls into the category of heresy.
However, the Darwin theory has been proven, almost 200 years ago, that every living creature on the face of earth has to evolve and change, in order to stay where it satys, which is in life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Who is The Best Leader in the World

If i was to choose a modern day leader who is a positive leader instead of a tyrant that would be Angela Merkel. I came to this point where thinking that Angela Merkel (today’s German officer) is one of the greatest leaders in the World. She is Germany’s today’s leader, but from my point of view I would say that she is also the leader of the entire Euro zone. Even though there is a president of the European Union, he does not have the power such as Angela Merkel. Germany is today the wealthiest country in the entire Euro zone, maybe in the entire Europe. This all depends on what of a leader does a country have, In Serbia it is a overall catastrophe in the current parliament. While in Germany everything functions very well. In the today’s economical crises, Greece has completely bankrupted. Thus, this resulted that Germany had to deliver Greece around 100 million Euros in order not to have protests and demonstrations in the whole country. From this what we can see is that Germany is an extremely rich country and that it wants to sustain the Euro zone. If I was on her place I would kick out Greece out of the European Union. Because now when they are bankrupted, the entire euro zone has to work for only Greece in order to help it. I think that that is a waste of time, money, and energy. The Greek parliament had to be wiser and to dispose of its sources. Know Greece's only source is tourism, which will provide with a minimal amount of profit which will not be enough to bring back the states cashbox into its original shape. In this particular time period when there is an economical crises in the whole World, Germany has a very good shape of its states cashbox. I would say that for this Angela Merkel is responsible, for being an excellent officer and leader of the most powerful country in the Euro zone. Plus, in a newspaper that came out about a month ago it said, that Angela Merkel is the most powerful women in the World.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reflection on Cunieform Writing

This activity was extremely fun, especially learning a new alphabet, which was the alphabet of ancient Mesopotamia. The hardest thing that was in this activity was writing cuneiform, translating and reading was not hard that much. To me cuneiform is better an easier than English, because while writing you don't have to to watch out for commas, periods, colons, and other punctuation. On the other hand, writing in cuneiform is much harder than in normal English, because you have to color in each shape, while in English you just write normally letters of the alphabet.

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”Life is Sweet”
Eufrat Confectioner Shop, which makes sweets for the king’s palace, is looking for experienced and skillful confectioner who knows how to work with high quality ingredients, and is capable to meet deadlines and work under pressure sometimes until late hours if necessary. Salary is one sheep, one sack of grain and one pot of oil per month. Applicants should contact us at our confectioner shop behind the Ishtar’s temple walls.
Job requirements are: creativity, skillfulness, tidiness, swiftness, efficiency.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hamurabi's Fair and Unfair Laws

Could you imagine a world without any laws, how would it be? The first roots of laws have came from the ancient Mesopotamia. The first laws in Mesopotamia were rote be the great ruler Hammurabi. The first records were written in ancient Mesopotamia, although, the laws were very harsh and strict, hens, some were also unfair. The reason why certain laws are more stricter and harsher than others, is that it depended i what rank of the society pyramid you were. Even today the same rule is applied to today's laws and society rules. Here are some of the Hammurabi Laws which have been translated from the ancient language of Mesopotamian to English, all of these laws are making the whole set of Mesopotamian laws called the Hammurabi Code

So far there have been occurring fair and unfair laws,but most of the laws are fair than unfair, but from my point of view I can say that many of these laws are roots of the today's laws.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Begginings of Civilization

The most important moment in the history of human civilization happened between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago, with transition from hunting and gathering to farming. Before that, humans were forced to live in small, scattered, self sufficient groups who lived on the constant move. Transition to farming provided humans with steady supply of food year-round, and if they happened to live in a fertile area they had soon secured food surplus for the first time in human history. Before that, humans were more or less unsecure of when and where their next meal will come from. Food surplus also allowed people to have bigger families which led to global population growth . Scientists estimate that about 10,000 years ago, world’s population was about 5,000,000 people, and by 7,000 years ago, it was already 20,000,000. Farming settlements grew to villages, and then to towns and eventually to cities, food surplus also provided an opportunity which did not previously exist in human history, that is not all the people were involved in food production. Therefore, they had enough time to spend on improving their skills and talents, and became artisans, who invented so many new crafts and produced so many new items, which made everyday day life easier. The most crucial invention was a wheel, which was invented around 3,000 years ago, probably in Mesopotamia or Asir. The invention of wheel enabled people to travel great distances and sell their own food surplus, arts and crafts in other villages, towns, and cities, which provided cultural exchange and greatly enriched the communities involved. The other very important invention was bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, which enabled craftsmen to make more strong and durable metal items All of these were foundation for development of civilizations which are societies that have cities, a central government run by officials and workers specialized in different jobs, from writing and art to trade and building. Soon the trade was spread not only on the land but also over the big bodies of water. Unfortunately, overall development led to development of social classes i.e. group of people with similar backgrounds, incomes and ways of living. The social hierarchy went from king or chief to religious leaders, noble man and land owners to government officials and military officers, then to traders and craftsmen, and finally, to common workers and farmers who were the poorest members of the society. Finally the most unfortunate ones were slaves who were owned as property and had no human rights.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Last Human Standing

During last class in humanities we have watched a documentary which was from a TV program PBS NOVA. The film is called "The last Human Standing", which is about how did human kind evolve. The documentary is mostly discussing how did the before last specie of early hominids disappear. The before last specie was Homo Neanderthals, which have migrated from northern Africa and have settled in the Northern Europe. Homo Neanderthal's fossils have been found in the Neander valley, Germany, this is how this specie got it's name. In the human history there was a big question, which was: why did the neanderthal specie disappear at once when cro-magnons moved to Europe. My class and I have discussed how could this happen if they were equip with very warm clothing, so they could protect from the ice age which happened during that time. My class and I have came up with an idea that the neanderthals have been extinct because of their diet. Neanderthals consumed only meat which isn't healthy enough for our organism. On the other hand, homo sapiens are omnivorous, thus, we can eat vegetables, fruits, insects, plants, etc. This is one big theory how did we stayed alive and the specie before us (Neanderthals) has been extinct. For decades, this question has been brought up and has been researched and it could be said that scientists have came to big points for this question. Scientists have discovered that neanderthals brains were slightly bigger than ours today, although all parts of their body were slightly bigger than ours. If their brains were slightly bigger plus they have lasted much longer as a culture then we have, and with all of this evidence still we cant find a solution. Now we have came up with various inventions just in 2000 years while they with 300,000 of their culture were considered as a very primitive and rough human specie.

"Last Human Standing." Becoming Human. PBS NOVA. 31 Aug. 2011. Television.