Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Last Human Standing

During last class in humanities we have watched a documentary which was from a TV program PBS NOVA. The film is called "The last Human Standing", which is about how did human kind evolve. The documentary is mostly discussing how did the before last specie of early hominids disappear. The before last specie was Homo Neanderthals, which have migrated from northern Africa and have settled in the Northern Europe. Homo Neanderthal's fossils have been found in the Neander valley, Germany, this is how this specie got it's name. In the human history there was a big question, which was: why did the neanderthal specie disappear at once when cro-magnons moved to Europe. My class and I have discussed how could this happen if they were equip with very warm clothing, so they could protect from the ice age which happened during that time. My class and I have came up with an idea that the neanderthals have been extinct because of their diet. Neanderthals consumed only meat which isn't healthy enough for our organism. On the other hand, homo sapiens are omnivorous, thus, we can eat vegetables, fruits, insects, plants, etc. This is one big theory how did we stayed alive and the specie before us (Neanderthals) has been extinct. For decades, this question has been brought up and has been researched and it could be said that scientists have came to big points for this question. Scientists have discovered that neanderthals brains were slightly bigger than ours today, although all parts of their body were slightly bigger than ours. If their brains were slightly bigger plus they have lasted much longer as a culture then we have, and with all of this evidence still we cant find a solution. Now we have came up with various inventions just in 2000 years while they with 300,000 of their culture were considered as a very primitive and rough human specie.

"Last Human Standing." Becoming Human. PBS NOVA. 31 Aug. 2011. Television.

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