Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From Grunts To The Evolution of Language

This article is about how did human language evolve. Although we may never know exact time when our communication turned into language, scientist are almost sure that Homo sapiens were using language between 40,000 and 35,000 years ago. Scientists also assume that the language developed slowly, over long period of time, evolving from a primitive system of grunts, gestures, and facial expressions, into something more complex. However, the period during which humans and hominids have used a primitive system of communication probably lasted for 2,000,000 years. The most important condition, which have assured evolution of language was an anatomical transformation which happened about a million and a half years ago within genus Homo. The larynx ( the voice box) which contains the vocal cords begun to descend from its place high in the throat, where it was connected with the nasal passages, as it is the case today with most mammals, which can breathe and swallow at the same time, but it limits their range of possible sounds. Therefore, modern humans and our ancestors were able to breathe through both nose and mouth, thanks to that transformation, while mammals are generally nose breathers. This enabled our ancestors to use their vocal cords, the muscles of the throat and the back of the tongue in a different way, hence, the language evolved. Evolution of language was also triggered by more complex needs humans were faced with.

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