Thursday, November 3, 2011

On Our Own Two Feet

For centuries, human and ape like walking has been differed a great deal. We humans have a very unique kind of walking which is on two legs. According to the science research, walking on four legs consumes more energy. On the other hand walking on two feet saves energy. Why is it this way you are probably wondering? Well, the human skeleton is build this way that we (Humans) have more strength and better developed muscles in our feet then in our arms, because humans more frequently use legs more often (like for walking, or jumping) rather then hands. Another interesting fact there is is that we humans are able to balance are big skulls on the top of our skeleton. A new fact has came which caused an outrage which is that we humans are not related to chimpanzees. Millions of years ago our common ancestor was a chimpanzee but as years and decades went by the branch of hominids and humans has branched of chimpanzees. But between the human and chimpanzee specie there was a specie which was Afarensis. Afarensis was a hominid that lived 3.3 million years ago. Afarensi's physical features more look like to chimpanzee's physical features for example the aferensis skull is more pointier and has sharper cheeks than to the human skull. There is a theory why are legs are used more often than our hands it is because we can free more our hands so we can work more with our hands.

Whitt, Stephen. "On Our Own Two Feet." Odyssey: Adventures in Science Oct. 2009: 26-28. Print.

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