Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Around the World Project

During the past few days my class and I have started our first project in grade seven. This project was about selecting two countries and presenting some basic information about them like
Countries Leaders
And bit of History (Most important Parts)
We had to choose two countries and this information was required for both countries. I have chosen Serbia and Monte Negro.My personal connection to Serbia is that I was born in Serbia and I have a Serbian passport. On the other hand, my personal connection with Monte Negro is that I lived there for 2 years and my Great Aunt and her family live in Monte Negro. As my whole class did, I also presented these facts on a poster which was colorful and with many pictures of Serbian symbols such as flag, coat of arms, president, important people, etc. However, my presentation went great, but I admit that I could practice the speech a bit better which I have to improve for the following presentations.

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