Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is History and Why do we Study it?

History is a type of science which is based on the past and studying it. History is based on the major important events/people/ideas through out it. History can change evidence or interpretations or theories. My opinion is that, for me history is interesting, especially because we get to learn something about how did we evolve, our humanity. History is also there for us so we can learn from the past in other words not to repeat the same mistakes, but this is not very true we all make same mistakes. We also study history to learn more about our selves,culture,identifying accestors, where we came from. Also we study history so we understand other culture, people and that there is less conflict and more peace in the world. Also to have more open mindness and more tolerance.


  1. I like the way you explained why we study history and explained it in clear words. You gave many examples which helped me understand it better.

  2. I like how you said what you think and whats your opinion and it was short but it had all the facts there should be!
