Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fossils from Two Millions Years Ago.

Scientist have found two million year old bones and possibly skin of early human ancestors which are Australopithecus Sediba. The ancient fossils were discovered in Malapa a part of South Africa in 2008. Science is getting deeper in the studies of how we humans have evolved of a specie of Australopithecus. According to the science research scientist say that this specie has made tools and used the tools those ones that they have made. research shows that the Australopithecus Sediba possessed very unusual characteristics of primitive and derived which is in other words human like traits. For an example the Sediba had ankles and was standing up right as well as humans but it had thin apelike heels. also the Sediba could climb up trees a great deal, and as well stand up right as humans do. However, sediba fossils are about 300,000 years younger than an upper jaw, discovered by anthropologist William Kimbel, which is possibly that it belonged to a another specie that came after the Australopithecus, which was called Homo Habilis. This specie has been considered as the first human kind.

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