Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Huge Gladiator School Found Buried in Austria

With radar equipment that penetrates the earth to produce 3-dimensional images of buried objects archeologists discovered a gladiator school at the site near Danube river close to Vienna, Austria. This finding is an addition to evidence historians already had about Roman Empire's gladiator schools. The finding is a proof of how the cultures of empire's urban centers were all linked together because the found in Vienna is very similar to the finds from the Rome and other cities of the Roman empire. The gladiator school, called Carnuntum gladiator school. covers 19.000 square meters and was probably built around A.D. 150, during emperor Marcus Aurelius. It consists of central courtyard, tiny dormitory rooms, large room with heated floor, and the training complex with mini amphitheater(probably for the slave traders to watch gladiators, who usually were slaves, in order to check their fighting abilities), walled field (probably for housing wild animals). Even though the school hasn't been excavated archeologists are sure that the find id indeed a gladiator school because it resembles other uncovered gladiator schools of Roman empire.

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