Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Last Human Standing

During last class in humanities we have watched a documentary which was from a TV program PBS NOVA. The film is called "The last Human Standing", which is about how did human kind evolve. The documentary is mostly discussing how did the before last specie of early hominids disappear. The before last specie was Homo Neanderthals, which have migrated from northern Africa and have settled in the Northern Europe. Homo Neanderthal's fossils have been found in the Neander valley, Germany, this is how this specie got it's name. In the human history there was a big question, which was: why did the neanderthal specie disappear at once when cro-magnons moved to Europe. My class and I have discussed how could this happen if they were equip with very warm clothing, so they could protect from the ice age which happened during that time. My class and I have came up with an idea that the neanderthals have been extinct because of their diet. Neanderthals consumed only meat which isn't healthy enough for our organism. On the other hand, homo sapiens are omnivorous, thus, we can eat vegetables, fruits, insects, plants, etc. This is one big theory how did we stayed alive and the specie before us (Neanderthals) has been extinct. For decades, this question has been brought up and has been researched and it could be said that scientists have came to big points for this question. Scientists have discovered that neanderthals brains were slightly bigger than ours today, although all parts of their body were slightly bigger than ours. If their brains were slightly bigger plus they have lasted much longer as a culture then we have, and with all of this evidence still we cant find a solution. Now we have came up with various inventions just in 2000 years while they with 300,000 of their culture were considered as a very primitive and rough human specie.

"Last Human Standing." Becoming Human. PBS NOVA. 31 Aug. 2011. Television.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From Grunts To The Evolution of Language

This article is about how did human language evolve. Although we may never know exact time when our communication turned into language, scientist are almost sure that Homo sapiens were using language between 40,000 and 35,000 years ago. Scientists also assume that the language developed slowly, over long period of time, evolving from a primitive system of grunts, gestures, and facial expressions, into something more complex. However, the period during which humans and hominids have used a primitive system of communication probably lasted for 2,000,000 years. The most important condition, which have assured evolution of language was an anatomical transformation which happened about a million and a half years ago within genus Homo. The larynx ( the voice box) which contains the vocal cords begun to descend from its place high in the throat, where it was connected with the nasal passages, as it is the case today with most mammals, which can breathe and swallow at the same time, but it limits their range of possible sounds. Therefore, modern humans and our ancestors were able to breathe through both nose and mouth, thanks to that transformation, while mammals are generally nose breathers. This enabled our ancestors to use their vocal cords, the muscles of the throat and the back of the tongue in a different way, hence, the language evolved. Evolution of language was also triggered by more complex needs humans were faced with.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tamming Fire

"'Taming Fire: The First Scientist?'" Odyssey: Adventures in Science Oct. 2009:

29-30. Print.

For millenniums, a dangerous and in same time a very productive invention has been used. For over 250,000 years ago Fire has started to formulate. The first time fire has ever been used was approximately 1 million years ago. The only proof that has been found was hearths which are a very primitive construction of a fire place which is formed by big rocks put in a circle where in the middle of the circle the fire is lightened. In the Bible fire is recorded as the one of the materials that only gods used, as well in the Greek mythology the same story is told. Uses of fire were mostly for cooking and for keeping warm when it would be very cold. As you can see the invention of fire is a dangerous but productive in the same time which both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

On Our Own Two Feet

For centuries, human and ape like walking has been differed a great deal. We humans have a very unique kind of walking which is on two legs. According to the science research, walking on four legs consumes more energy. On the other hand walking on two feet saves energy. Why is it this way you are probably wondering? Well, the human skeleton is build this way that we (Humans) have more strength and better developed muscles in our feet then in our arms, because humans more frequently use legs more often (like for walking, or jumping) rather then hands. Another interesting fact there is is that we humans are able to balance are big skulls on the top of our skeleton. A new fact has came which caused an outrage which is that we humans are not related to chimpanzees. Millions of years ago our common ancestor was a chimpanzee but as years and decades went by the branch of hominids and humans has branched of chimpanzees. But between the human and chimpanzee specie there was a specie which was Afarensis. Afarensis was a hominid that lived 3.3 million years ago. Afarensi's physical features more look like to chimpanzee's physical features for example the aferensis skull is more pointier and has sharper cheeks than to the human skull. There is a theory why are legs are used more often than our hands it is because we can free more our hands so we can work more with our hands.

Whitt, Stephen. "On Our Own Two Feet." Odyssey: Adventures in Science Oct. 2009: 26-28. Print.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who is Who among Early Homininds

Millions of years ago before humanity evolved there were no humans but hominids which have evolved to today's us. Fossils of the early hominids have been discovered all around the world. The main theory is that the early hominids were related to the African apes which have evolved to hominids to humans. From time to time there have occurred new species of hominids. As far as we know there have been 12 species of early hominids. The first hominid skull was between 6 and 7 million years old who was the Sahelanthropus tchadensis which its fossils have been found in Chad in the north-central Africa. After came Orrin Tugenensis witch's fossils have been found in Kenya, Orrin is the oldest definitive hominid it dates from 5.8 million years ago. Afterwards comes Ardipithecus which means the ground ape, this hominid dates back from 4.4 million years ago, its fossils have been found in Ethiopia 1994, this hominid is very significant by its forehead because it is very flat. After comes the Kenyaplthecus platops which its fossils have been found in lake Turkana in Kenya. Its fossils date from 3.5 million years ago. Australopithecus or in translation the southern ape marks a new phase in human evolution this hominid has been found in the central Africa it dates around 4 millions years ago. Then came the Paranthoropus or in translation similar to a man, this hominid dates 2.5 to 3 million years ago. After comes the new phase in evolution which the early hominids evolve t humans and in names has put in the word Homo which on Latin means a man. the first early ancestor to enter this phase was Homo erectus or in translation the upright man the fossils of homo erectus date back from 1.8 million years ago. Then comes Homo habilis or the handy man which was the first early ancestor to make tools out of rock and wood. After comes Homo rudolfensis which dates back from 1 million years ago and its fossils have been found in Kenya. After comes Homo georcus which its fossils date back from 1.8 million years ago. Then comes Homo Neanderthals which lived in Europe and central Asia from 250,000 to 30,000 years ago. The last comes Homo florenslensis which its fossils have been found in central Asia it dates back from 94,000 years ago. These were the branches of early hominids which have evolved to today's humanity.

Susman, Randall. "Who is Who Among Early Humans ." Oyssey Advantures in Science Oct. 2009: 22-25 .


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why Do We Study Hyman Origins?

Why do we Study Human Origins?
By Susman Randall
Calliope: Exploring World History

Many people around the world wonder how did humanity evolve, and from which origins?
Before the advanced science such as archeology and anthropology. People depended only on religious teachings as the only source of explanation of human origins. In every culture there were different myths and legends about human origins. The major breakthrough, which changed the traditional interpretations, happened when British scientist Charles Darwin, who worked in the mid-1800s, has suggested that humans had evolved from same ancestors as the apes had. This caused an outrage and scandal, the church was protesting, people were shocked, but Charles Darwin backed up his theory with his scientific research. He collected the numerous valuable data during his voyages around the world where he found out that animals adapted to their environment, so he did not give up and he called his theory the theory of evolution, although the creationists (those who claimed that God created earth and every living creature in six days) were strongly against his theory.
Today we know that Charles Darwin was right because a geologist Raymond Dart excavated the first hominid fossils in 1925. These fossils were a clear proof that we evolved from hominids. Later on many fossils have been found throughout the planet, which only adds more and more evidence to theory of evolution. There are still many different speculations about how our ancestors evolved, but scientist mainly think that hominids becoming bipedal was the key event in our evolution, and has probably happened because of the climate change in Africa around five million years ago. Before that our ancestors were probably tree dwellers similar to today’s apes. One of the proofs of evolution is that even today we share more than 95 percents of genes with pygmy chimpanzee.
Although many valuable fossils of hominids and early humans were found, scientist still hope to find many more, which will shed even more light on our past.
Susman, Randall. "Why We Study Human Origins." Calliope: Exploring World History Sept. 1999: 4-5. Print.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Three Theories About the Stonehenge

In Salzbar Plains, in Wales UK, stands one of the most popular monuments in the world which is the great Stonehenge. Stonehenge dates even before ancient Egypt, The big rocks in the Stonehenge are called the Sursans which weight about 45 tons. People until today don't know the right theory about the use of Stonehenge. There are lots and lots of theories but only three of them come to a purpose. The most popular theory is that Stonehenge was a Astronomical observatory used to to mark midsummer, but research shows that Stonehenge wasn't only visited over the summer it was also visited over the winter when the sun sets between the largest of the central arches. Another theory is that Stonehenge was used as a cemetery where important people were buried, generally Stonehenge was a place for the dead, while Wood-henge was a place for the living. Both of these monuments have channels which connect to the river Avon.And the third theory is that Stonehenge was a landing place for the UFO. I am quite sure that the third theory is false but who knows. Stone henge is also one of the biggest worlds mysteries.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fossils from Two Millions Years Ago.

Scientist have found two million year old bones and possibly skin of early human ancestors which are Australopithecus Sediba. The ancient fossils were discovered in Malapa a part of South Africa in 2008. Science is getting deeper in the studies of how we humans have evolved of a specie of Australopithecus. According to the science research scientist say that this specie has made tools and used the tools those ones that they have made. research shows that the Australopithecus Sediba possessed very unusual characteristics of primitive and derived which is in other words human like traits. For an example the Sediba had ankles and was standing up right as well as humans but it had thin apelike heels. also the Sediba could climb up trees a great deal, and as well stand up right as humans do. However, sediba fossils are about 300,000 years younger than an upper jaw, discovered by anthropologist William Kimbel, which is possibly that it belonged to a another specie that came after the Australopithecus, which was called Homo Habilis. This specie has been considered as the first human kind.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Huge Gladiator School Found Buried in Austria

With radar equipment that penetrates the earth to produce 3-dimensional images of buried objects archeologists discovered a gladiator school at the site near Danube river close to Vienna, Austria. This finding is an addition to evidence historians already had about Roman Empire's gladiator schools. The finding is a proof of how the cultures of empire's urban centers were all linked together because the found in Vienna is very similar to the finds from the Rome and other cities of the Roman empire. The gladiator school, called Carnuntum gladiator school. covers 19.000 square meters and was probably built around A.D. 150, during emperor Marcus Aurelius. It consists of central courtyard, tiny dormitory rooms, large room with heated floor, and the training complex with mini amphitheater(probably for the slave traders to watch gladiators, who usually were slaves, in order to check their fighting abilities), walled field (probably for housing wild animals). Even though the school hasn't been excavated archeologists are sure that the find id indeed a gladiator school because it resembles other uncovered gladiator schools of Roman empire.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Do Historians Study the Past

Historians are people who study history which is a science about the past. Historians use two types of sources which are primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are scripts or articles which were written in that very time when the historical event has been happening which the article tells about. Secondary sources are as well scripts document now a day’s CD's, ads, and blogs. These two categories have to more categorize which are written and non-written sources. When we say written sources, most of us will think just only of books but there is much more then books like: speeches, posters, newspaper articles, government papers, songs, poems, etc. What falls under the non-written sources? Good question. Under non-written sources fall such as: tombs, graveyards churches, archeological places, temples, etc. Anyway, historians will always ask 5 very important questions which will evaluate the sources, the 3 main types of evaluation are: is the source accurate, is the source valid and is the source reliable. These are the 3 most important evaluations of a historical source. As I have said historians will always question the five very important questions in order to evaluate the source: who was the writer? What kind of source is it? Where was the source produced? When was the source produces? Why was the source produced? These are the five main questions which a historian will always ask order to evaluate the source by the three categorize of evaluation.

Monday, September 19, 2011

When and Why did People Settle in Certain Areas?

In the past people have been settling in places where there was good climate and good topographic conditions. In the early history there were no countries, therefore people were free to move everywhere. People in the past were mostly living of farming and planting crops, so they choose a land with good, fertile soil and fresh green grass for sheep, cows, and other farming animals to graze. Good soil was also needed in order to grow crop plants such as wheat, sunflower, barley, corn etc. Since the soil is the most fertile in the flatland and plains, people mostly tended to settle in these type of areas. The people in mountains and high lands usually made terraces or cascades for planting.
I have learned that there are 3 categories of movement. Which are: temporary(for example: you go from home to school every day so you are daily having this kind of movement). The second kind is periodic movement, when you move to a new place but you stay only for a shorter period of time(for example: you go to the sea side for the whole summer holiday but afterwards you come back to your home). The third movement is called migration; this type of movement is migrating or moving from your home land to a new area where you will stay to live,(for example, people of northern India moved to Europe thousands years ago to find better life for themselves). People even today migrate, but mostly because of religious or political reasons. And in the future who knows? We might migrate to the Moon.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is History and Why do we Study it?

History is a type of science which is based on the past and studying it. History is based on the major important events/people/ideas through out it. History can change evidence or interpretations or theories. My opinion is that, for me history is interesting, especially because we get to learn something about how did we evolve, our humanity. History is also there for us so we can learn from the past in other words not to repeat the same mistakes, but this is not very true we all make same mistakes. We also study history to learn more about our selves,culture,identifying accestors, where we came from. Also we study history so we understand other culture, people and that there is less conflict and more peace in the world. Also to have more open mindness and more tolerance.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Around the World Project

During the past few days my class and I have started our first project in grade seven. This project was about selecting two countries and presenting some basic information about them like
Countries Leaders
And bit of History (Most important Parts)
We had to choose two countries and this information was required for both countries. I have chosen Serbia and Monte Negro.My personal connection to Serbia is that I was born in Serbia and I have a Serbian passport. On the other hand, my personal connection with Monte Negro is that I lived there for 2 years and my Great Aunt and her family live in Monte Negro. As my whole class did, I also presented these facts on a poster which was colorful and with many pictures of Serbian symbols such as flag, coat of arms, president, important people, etc. However, my presentation went great, but I admit that I could practice the speech a bit better which I have to improve for the following presentations.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Myas

The Mayas
The Mayas culture was established in 2000 BC
The first Mayas ruler was Montezuma the I
The Mayan culture ended in 1680 AD
The main Mayan god was the god of sun which was called Kukulcan

Mayas got 2 calenders which ends in 2012
The most famous Mayan building is called “ The Sun Pyramid”

Serbian Culture

Serbian Culture
Serbia has a big culture and many traditions which reflect much to the historical backround. Serbia is broken into 3 parts : Sumadija, Vojvodina(Banat,Backa,Srem) , and Kosovo and Metohije. My culture in my family comes from south west Sumadija which is called Zlatiborski Okrug, or Ivanjicki okrug. From that place my muternall grandfather is from, he is from Lisa Ivanjica, zaseok Duboka Jaruga. In that place it differences a bit from central Sumadian culture called ( Moravski still)

Ancient Tribes of South America

Fact 1. The Incas lived in Andes Mountains in South America in today’s Peru, Ecuador and parts of Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, and Argentina
Facts 2. The Incas’ Kingdom lasted from 1200-1500 AD
Facts 3. The Incas called their ruler Sapa Inca and they considered him to be the child of the Sun. Ordinary people were not allowed to touch the king or even to look at his face. The king was also a military leader.
Fact 4. The most famous Inca’s city was Machu Picchu, or at least it the most famous today because it stayed well preserved as it was situated on a high mountain top thus survived Spanish invasion, which ended the Inca Kingdom.
Fact 5. Incas didn’t have written language; instead they used knotted strings for communication. They were also very advanced in area of medicine, they even performed skull surgery.
Olmec Tribes
Fact 1. The first signs of civilization in Central America were the Olmecs an ancient Pre-Columbian civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico,
Fact 2. The Olmec domain extended from the Tuxtlas mountains in the west to the lowlands of the Chontalpa in the east,
Fact 3. Olmec art forms emphasize both monumental statuary and small jade carvings and jewelry. Much Olmec art is highly stylized and uses an iconography reflective of the religious meaning of the artworks
Fact 4.

1. Totecs were the people and the cuture that existed in today’s Mexico between 950-1200 AD

2. They were a war-like people and expanded rapidly throughout Mexico, Guatemala, and the Yucatán peninsula. At the top of their society was a warrior aristocracy

3. The Toltecs believed in cult of Quetzalcoatl, the "Soveriegn Plumed Serpent," and created a mythology around it. In Toltec legend, Quetzalcoatl was the creator of humanity and a warrior-god

4. The Toltecs also creted the Central American ball-game, which was played on a large stone court with a rubber ball. The game was primarily a religious ritual and involved the human sacrifice of the loser.

5. The Toltecs conquered large areas controlled by the Maya and settled in these areas; they migrated as far south as the Yucatán peninsula. The culture borne out of this fusion is called the oltecT-Maya, and its greatest center was Chichén Itzá— on the very tip of the Yucatan peninsula.


1. The word itself came from the Latin verb imperare (to command)
2. Imperialism has been found in the histories of Japan, the Assyrian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Roman Empire, Greece, the Persian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, ancient Egypt, and India
3. Imperialism is a kind of rule over a distant territory from a dominating center.
4. The Age of Imperialism was a time period beginning around 1870 when modern, relatively developed nations were taking over less developed areas, colonizing them, or influencing them in order to expand their own power.
5. The biggest overseas empire was United Kingdom.

Spreading Culture

Human Systems What are some ways in which culture traits spread?
Cultural traits spread in many ways.
For example: If one country has been conquered by another, and if conquer stay long enough, the conquered country usually adopts some of conqueror’s cultural traits, like it happened in Serbia under the Turks. The other way to spread cultural traits is by migrations. Whenever people migrate they bring with them parts of their culture and establish their ways of life in their new country. Also cultural traits can be spread through communication, science, and technology. For example English language has never been so wildly spread as today, when internet has been accepted through the world. In the past, culture could only be spread by certain kind of migration but today cultural traits are mostly spread by communication and technology. Although we still stick to our specific cultural traits, the world has become “Global Village” with mixed global culture.